On Saturday, I spent an exciting day with my scrapbooking bestie Liz at the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco !

The doors opened at 11, but because we were so excited and because I have never driven through SF, we left her house at 8:45—I was a bit early! We got to Fort Mason at 10 am and found parking in a jiffy—when we left (at 3:30!) there wasn’t any parking to be found. Luckily, I had parked near the exit and parked so I didn’t have to back out—yay!
There wasn’t much to eat at Fort Mason, so we settled for a latte (sans Vanilla—boo!) and a mocha from a very pleasant lady who was thrilled that we both paid with twenty dollar bills—um, it is the morning lady—we hadn’t gotten a chance to spend any money yet. The coffee was bitter just like the barista—ha ha ha! (The coffees weren’t even picture worthy)
We sat facing the bay waiting patiently for the doors to open and chatted about this and that. It was nice and relaxing even for an early Saturday morning.
A couple of minutes before 11am, we headed on over to the Festival Pavilion. Some of the booths were still setting up while we did our first go round—there were no purchase made the first time around.
After we seen all the goodies, we went upstairs to the Etsy Make-n-Take area where they had a REAL DJ…the kind that played Records!! You know those big black vinyl things? No cd player…no iTunes off a computer! YAY…the best part was the awesome 80’s music that came out of the turntables!
Also upstairs was the “bar” which had some wine and beer. We held off because we didn’t want to chop off our fingers while doing our make-n-takes. The host wore a cute apron…So Manly! We never were able to secretly take a picture of him from the front, but it was really ruffle-ly.

Before our second go round, we stopped at the Magnolia Photo Booth which was “free” (with a donation jar). It was fun with all the props they had! So something I could never do with my family—ha ha ha.
Then came our purchases…I loved so many of the things, but I only left with these:
1. is a note pad that says "To Do*", then the bottom says "*or not to do, that is the question". Old Tom Foolery was quite the place was cute cards I would never be brave enough to send out. One of my favorites was "You tied the Knot*...*the knot to the noose that just killed your social life. way to go party poopers"
2. wood print NY version was actually a gift from Liz for driving. She got the SF one...so cute from Petit Collage.
3. can't really see it in this picture but it was a bag full of cute postage-like stamps from The Tinted Mint.
5. the cutest envelop from The Postage Service. It had vintage stamps and the best part was the postage was usable--although I would hate to use it and then not have it anymore. I left with the California theme.
6. a business card holder from Beyond Wonderland (to put my etsy shop cards when I finally open shop)I also left with a ton of business cards.
7. and my "big" purchase...a cute cell phone holder from The Pouch Place by alliebeans.
Here are a few links to check out:
Misha Ashton Photograph (she is awesome)
Red Velvet Art
There were so many other vendors...I can't name them all, but you can check out the list on the Renegade site.
One of our “goals” was to meet Elsie Flannigan. We even brought our copies of 52 Scrapbooking Challenges and Love, Elsie Recipe Idea Box to be signed, but when we were at her booth, we were both to shy to ask if she would sign them. We didn’t even get a picture with her. Liz did take a photo of Elsie holding a picture her daughter had drawn and gave Elsie the picture. Maybe we will run into her at another fair someday.
We also took a picture as the Renegade Mascot Owl

and lots of pictures of the “props” throughout the venue. I didn’t want to take pictures of the items—didn’t want people to think I was stealing ideas!

(from the Postage Service)

(from bricolag(e)able)

(from Twinkie Chan)

(this was my favorite prop...I thought they were selling these faux cupcakes. When I picked it up, I was like these look so real...Liz had to point it out to me that they were real--ha ha ha--they were selling the bird candle holders)
This guy was AMAZING...
P.Nosa...he embroidered these amazing art works on the sewing machine freehandedly.
After we were finished wandering the fair, we went outside and took a few photos of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz .
Have I ever mentioned that I love old buildings?
I don’t think I have ever driven around that area of San Francisco —I totally fell in Love with all the architecture—someday I want to go back and just wander the streets and take some photos.
We—I mean I only got lost 4 times—ha ha ha. Once, we missed the turn going into the city, but thanks to my handy dandy (annoying at times) navigation, we still made it to Fort Mason in plenty of time. Then on the way out, I was in the wrong lane and I had to turn, but it was only a slight detour that we still were able to enjoy the lovely buildings around us. The final 2 missed exits were actually in the part of California that I know!!! First I forgot to get on a freeway—I was just driving myself home—ha ha ha…then when we finally got onto that freeway, I was in the wrong lane (again) and had to take another detour! By that time, it was a joke how long it took us to get home!
I had an awesome fun time with Liz. I was able to take my time and be my dorky self :)