
Monday, February 21, 2011


I have a problem...I am a hoarder. I also love bargains. I had found this yarn on clearance--actually I had found 2 skeins on clearance. Problem I had nothing to do with it and I really didn't care for the color.

I am really trying to use the yarn I have on hand and I really wanted to use this yarn. It hit me to use them with other yarns. I had a beige on hand as well, so I hit Michaels when Vanna's Choice was on sale (which is most weeks) and picked up a third color--brown.

I loved the color combo

I found this scarf pattern at Lion Brand Yarn. It is called "crochet 2 hours or less scarf" (you need to sign up to see the pattern). I did alter it a bit. I used a 11.5mm instead of the Q-19 and I added 100 to the chain to make up for the change and only did 5 rows instead of 6.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Walking the dog and trying to take pictures...Redo

I learned 3 things last week, which I corrected this week.

1.  Take someone with me to walk the dog

2.  Shoot early morning or late afternoon (yeah, I know it says it in every book I have read).  This time we were out about 1 hour before sunset.

3.  and take my 50mm f/1.8 lens for better focus on the foreground

We have lived in our house for nearly 10 years and this is the first time I have walked this trail.  We walked up and down the hill for over an hour (we weren't sure we would make it home in time for an appointment!)

I took my D50 (because it is much lighter and if I fell and broken it, I wouldn't be as devastated) and my AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D.  All the pictures are taken in Aperture Priority (and at f/1.8) and are SOOC except for the fact that I have converted from RAW to JPG.  I know I could brighten them up in PaintShopPro, but that is a whole other lesson I need to take. 

I am not sure what I was focusing on, but I like that you can see the yellow behind.  I will have to revisit this spot and focus correctly next time.

Behind were these yellow mustard flowers

old fence post along the trail

Some ferns along the ground

You can see our house from up here!

An old stable (yeah the coloring is off!)

A rusty tractor (with some graffitti)

I had a bunch of other pictures in portrait mode, but blogger post them sideways--oh well.  Someday when we have more time, I plan on going back.  There is also a pond in our neighborhood and an old farmhouse you can walk around that I didn't even know about. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not a good combo...walking a dog and trying to take pictures

The other day, I decided to take my "niece" Lucy for a walk and I thought it would be a good idea to bring my D50 along with my AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED lens.

I learned 3 things:

1.  It is not easy to take pictures when you are trying to train a dog to walk correctly.

2.  Noon gives off harsh light.

3.  My AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D lens would have been better to take with me.

All photos are SOOC except for converting from RAW to JPG (& Lucy was cropped).