These are the piles of magazines and idea books I have compiled over the years. And these are only the scrapbooking and card making magazines.
So far, here is my organization of magazines.
In this corner, we have my Scrapbooks Etc. (with more space to add to), PaperKuts (RIP), Simple Scrapbooks (RIP), Scrapbook Answers (RIP), and all my various idea books and special ideas magazines.
It would be perfect except for the fact that I still have all these Creating Keepsakes magazines! These date from June 2003 through April 2010--I have actually been good with this magazine and have stopped buying them.
I also have this pile of Memory Makers (RIP)--I have gotten rid of some of them and I plan on getting rid of all the rest as soon as I look through them again.
All of my Paper Crafts magazines are in a different area of my room (with my card making supplies) along with my Cards magazine and various card making idea books. I have gotten rid of a year's worth of Card Making magazine--so I know I can edit myself--it is just really hard to toss magazines.
And finally, these were not in the photo of my piles of magazines. These are my photography magazines and photography books.
My problem with magazines? I love buying them, especially if the cover pops out at me, but I really don't read them. I like looking at the pictures and scanning the titles and subtitles, but I rarely read them and sometimes I am so bummed out and disappointed after I bring them home.
Over the years, I have collected Latina magazine and Health magazine--both have been recycled years ago. I received a free year subscription to Better Homes and Gardens--after the year was up, I gave them to my friend because I had no room for them. Right now, I am receiving Weight Watchers magazine (it was also free). I might clip some of the recipes, but those will be toss in the recycle bin soon (I hope).
I also have a small collection of Crochet Today magazines, some crochet books, and a couple of knitting books (even thought I have yet to learn to knit).
I know that I don't need any more magazines or idea books and I try not to subscribe to any more, but I do have such a weakness.
My purchases after the magazine organization.
I mean who can resist covers like that!!!!
(and just to be fair, my husband has subscribed to Sports Illustrated for over 15 years and we have boxes in the garage of those! Are we hoarders or what? ha ha ha)