For years, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk has been hosting free Friday night concerts and we never make it out there. To be honest, the bands that play are usually one-hit wonders or "old" long forgotten bands. Ok, they usually still have a following otherwise they wouldn't draw a crowd, right?
This summer, we bought our daughter a season pass to the Boardwalk and have only taken her twice, so we had planned on going this past Friday night. Since I am a fan of the Boardwalk on Facebook, I seen that Berlin was playing. My husband didn't know who I was talking about and well neither did the kids.
The bands play twice--once at 6:30 and a second time at 8:30. We caught the tail end of the first concert and my husband did recognized the song "Take My Breath Away" which was featured in the film Top Gun--and for the record, I have never seen that movie because in 1986, I didn't see the fuss in Tom Cruise and still don't :)
Terri Nunn rocked a more modern Black with Blonde hair style. (Those Berlin fans will remember her black tipped blonde hair.)
We came back for the 8:30 show and seen her walk into the crowd.
I hope I look that great when I am 50!!! Shoot, I want to look like that at 38 :)
Oh right, this is a photography blog...Well everytime we go out there, I bring my camera but usually fail at taking great photos. This time I brought my D50, but I took my kit lens that came with my D300. The lens was probably heavier than the camera! ha ha ha. I tried using Aperture mode then Shutter Mode, but went back to the handy dandy Auto Mode. And I normally try to stay clear from using the flash, but during the concert it actually helped even though we were pretty far back from the stage. I did a little cropping and some slight color correction in Paint Shop Pro X2.
Side note, I always thought that RAW was the best way (and I still use it all the time), but I couldn't figure out why my photos were always so drab and flat. I thought I was doing something wrong until I read an article letting me know that when you shoot in RAW, you NEED to edit--and all this time I just thought the pictures were supposed to be awesome straight out of the camera. I wish I could find the article I read, but I can't.
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