
Monday, August 18, 2014

Made It Monday (first and last in a series--haha)

I was trying to think up new ideas for my blog which would prompt me to blog more often and I thought about "Made It Mondays".

Then I thought about it some more and I was like 'everything I post on my blog I have made' it didn't really make much sense after all--Unless I only want to blog on Mondays :D  

But since today is Monday and I actually made something today...I will call this post Made It Monday :D

So what did I make?  A Stamp!!!!

Back in December, I took a trip to a craft faire with Liz and Jossie and we met the nicest stamp maker.  I bought her book and at the time I didn't know I would actually want to try my hands at making stamps.  

Over the past 8 months, I have been collecting stamp making material.  

First I bought some material from Hobby Lobby (the blue Speedball--it comes in different colors depending on the "ease" of the material) along with a linoleum cutter.  (You can buy a starter set on Amazon or from Stampin' Up, but I didn't want to wait or pay for shipping.)  Then I was given some Eraser Stamp material by Liz from Daiso.  And because I didn't have enough material to learn on, I bought the grey 3 pack of material from Stampin' Up.

One of my problems was figuring out what to make.  Today I finally bit the bullet and decided to make an "Aloha" stamp since I don't have any Hawaiian stamps (at least I don't think I do--ha ha ha!).

It tells you to use tracing paper, but I didn't have any, so I just used a post-it and wrote Aloha.  Then I went over it a couple of times to make it a bit thicker and darker.

After, I placed the Post-it (backwards) over the blue part and rubbed my pencil over the back to transfer the pencil onto the blue.

Then using the #5 blade (or craft knife), I cut the part I wasn't going to use.

Using the different size blades, I cut around the image.  

I like the Daiso one because it is easy to see if you have cut enough.  It does take a little bit to realize you don't have to press too hard.  It also takes a lot of patience and lighting.

"Not aloha, 'hello', aloha, 'goodbye'." 
~50 First Dates (one of my favorite movies ever...I love this quote!)

You do have to embrace that it won't be "perfect", but that is what makes it unique!

Thank you for looking!


  1. Linda! I love this and your stamp!!!! The stamp came out great! It's so awesome!! You are going to make me go buy stuff to make a stamp!! Wow I am soo impressed! Good job! Your my idol :)

    1. Thank you! You are too sweet :) Daiso has the stamping material for $1.50 each and I couldn't find the tool at Michaels or Joann's, but Hobby Lobby had it and you can use coupons!! :D

  2. Love it! I only really have one Hawaii stamp and it's more of a pattern (maybe grasscloth? I have no idea!) that I purchased on Oahu. I'll have to do this, too!

    1. Thanks! Glad to inspire you. :) it took me quite a while to think of something that I didn't already have (like 50 camera stamps hahaha).
