
Saturday, November 5, 2016

December Daily(ish) 2014

In 2013, I had to have this Smashbook, but didn't use it.  Since I really need to use what I buy, I decided to use it to document my December in 2014.

I opted not to take photos daily 2014, but rather used the whole album as a snapshot of our whole month.  Since the Smashbook doesn't allow you to move the papers around, I stepped out of my comfort zone and scrapbooked them out of order.

Hopefully a video of the album is easier to watch instead of seeing a bunch of pictures that go on and on forever in the post.

Thanks for watching!

I go back and forth whether I like to "vlog" or not because I always fumble my words, but sometimes when sharing a whole album it is just easier I think.


  1. Linda! I cant wait to see the video! UGH wish I wasn't working! I love that you went out of order! I may have to try that!

    I also remember this album! I'm so sad I gave mine away! You are also my hero - I love the idea of a video!

  2. I'm so bad at watching videos... ADD kicks in, LOL
    I have plans to come back and watch though... this one and your more current one. But I wanted to say Good job for getting over the structured concept of "December Daily" and completing your album!

  3. Okay, I just watched this one and I think you did a great job, both w/ the book and video! :0)

    1. Ah thank you. Sometimes when videos are too long I get ADD too :) Thank you for watching!
